Ultion Locks : Seen on a door that could be yours


It seems like it was longer than a couple of months but back in October we announced the arrival of the Ultion lock in an article – Sheds that keep spiders out and Doors that keep out intruders – on our Timber Composite Door web site and now this lock seems to be everywhere appearing in small advertisements like the one below this lock has taken the market by storm.


As Security conscious as we are here at Composite Door Prices we did not anticipate the public demand for this new lock -increased security should be a priority with everyone and this lock certainly delivers in that respect – and now we can announce that if you look to our Composite Door Prices web site for your new door the Ultion will either already be a standard component will be a so in a matter of weeks or at worst will be available as an extra dependent upon the door you choose.

Why is this lock so good the easiest way to find out is to visit the manufacturers own Lock Advisor web site which will give you all the information you require – such as

The key features of the lock are –

  • Ultion offers double snap resistance
  • When attacked the Ultion instantly goes into ‘Lockdown Mode’
  • Stays snap secure even with a key in the inside of the lock
  • Some locks have 5 pins, others have 6, Ultion has 11
  • Ultion protects against Lock Drilling
  • Ultion protects against Lock Bumping
  • Ultion protects against Lock Picking

The Ultion is not the only lock to have achieved 3-star anti-snapping TS007 status however it is one of only three that have achieved the Master Locksmith Association (MLA) Ultimate Solid Secure Diamond Test (a team of experienced locksmiths are let loose with tools of their choice to crack the lock –after two and a half hours the Ultion stood firm) it is considered by many to be the ultimate in traditional door locks.

If security is high on your agenda when you are looking for a new door you could definitely be on the right track by making   Composite Door Prices your first point of call, quality doors, quality service and security guaranteed

Thanks to our sister website Euro Secure, you can now Buy Ultion Locks for the rest of your home too!


Ultion Locks : Seen on a door that could be yours
Article Name
Ultion Locks : Seen on a door that could be yours
It seems like it was longer than a couple of months but back in October we announced the arrival of the Ultion lock in an article – Sheds that keep spiders out and Doors that keep out intruders - on our Timber Composite Door web site
Composite Door Prices