Rockdoor new and improved coupling bar


Rockdoor-Coupling-BarRockdoor new and improved coupling bar

When installed correctly a door and side screen can turn a pleasing front door into a spectacular front door. Unfortunately historically many such installations have not been as aesthetically pleasing to the eye as they could have been for any one of a number of reasons, misaligned frames, back to back frames secured with wide coupling bars that remained visible after installation, cover strips that did not always cover the coupling bar or which due to poor fitting had a nasty habit of uncoupling themselves. In many of these circumstances it was too easy to blame the installer but the poor guy could only do his best with the components he was given.
The above, are problems we can guarantee that you will not have, when you purchase a Rockdoor and Side screen from Composite Door Prices they have changed their coupling bar from the previous 19mm  wide steel to a slim line  7mm.Aluminium  component.This new 7mm Aluminium Coupling Bar brings a multitude of benefits for both installers and homeowners –

Installers will immediately note the ease with which this component can be fit, aluminium rather than steel and with no pre drilling it is lighter and easier to ensure correct alignment drilling the aluminium as required, plus as the cover trims are now face fixed this eliminates the need to clamp the trims in-between the frames whilst trying to couple frames together all of which should make for a quicker installation time.

Homeowners can be assured that not only will their new door and side screen benefit from improved sightlines which significantly improve the appearance of the installation they can also feel secure in the knowledge that their personal security has not been compromised as this new coupling bar has been the subject of strenuous “in house” testing to standards in excess of current industry standards.

If you are currently looking for a new Door and Side screen Composite Door Prices can supply the full Rockdoor range to suit any personal requirements which you may have.